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Current exhibition

Arp, Taeuber-Arp, Bill. Alliances

31 March - 3 November 2024

Sunday, 31 March, Easter Day, the exhibition space at the Fondazione Marguerite Arp in Locarno-Solduno will reopen with a new exhibition

News and events

Le surréalisme chez soi

Aperture al pubblico con una preziosa mostra al pianterreno della casa-atelier

Residence and studio house

In February 1959, Jean Arp and Marguerite Hagenbach purchased a ca. 4,600-m2-large property in Locarno-Solduno. The property, which is named Ronco dei Fiori, consisted of an old Ticino residential house, an extensive garden as well as a vineyard. After various renovations, the couple moved into the house in May 1960.


Exhibition space and garden

Arp’s intention to erect ‘a type of gallery building’ on the property in Solduno in order to be able to present at least part of their joint collection has been handed down from 1965. Nearly fifty years later, in the summer of 2014, this plan was finally realized.
